Rock Fracture
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| Scaling between Fault Length and the Number of Segments per Unit Length | |
de Joussineau and Aydin (2009) investigated the number of fault segments on several strike-slip faults with varying slip in Aztec sandstone outcrops at Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada. They suggested that the number of fault segments per unit length is inversely proportional to the fault length (Figure 1). This result is consistent with that of other published data (see inset of the plot in Figure 1) primarily from active faults of larger scale.
 | | Figure 1. Number of Segments per unit length plotted versus the total fault offset. Simplified from de Joussineau and Aydin (2009). |
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de Joussineau, G., Aydin, A., 2009. Segmentation of strike-slip faults revisited. Pure and Applied Geophysics 166 (10): 1575-1594.
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