Rock Fracture

Pressure Solution Seam Growth and Scaling

The geometry and network pattern of various types of rock fractures was thought to be fractal (see for example, references in Weisstein, Eric W. 'Fractal.' From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. However, it is doubtful that pressure solution structures got their fair share of consideration partly because, excluding Mardon (1988), there are so few statistical data on them. Figure 1 shows one of the few data sets obtained from box counting at three different scales: Outcrop, cut and polished surface of a hand sample, and a thin section image (Nenna et al., 2012). The plots suggest that the distributions maintain self-similarity within these scales.

Distribution of traces of the PSS data obtained by box counting method at three different scales:Outcrop (a), cut and polished hand sample surface (d), and thin section image (g), the corresponding box sizes (b, e, h), and the minimum box size threshold plots (c, f, i). Assuming that the distributions from the smallest size to the largest characterize the nature of the PSS growth, the patterns maintain self similarity. From Nenna et al. (2012).Figure 1. Distribution of traces of the PSS data obtained by box counting method at three different scales:Outcrop (a), cut and polished hand sample surface (d), and thin section image (g), the corresponding box sizes (b, e, h), and the minimum box size threshold plots (c, f, i). Assuming that the distributions from the smallest size to the largest characterize the nature of the PSS growth, the patterns maintain self similarity. From Nenna et al. (2012).

Mardon, D., 1988. Localized pressure solution and the formation of discrete solution seams. Ph.D. thesis, College Station, Texas A and M University, Texas, USA.

Nenna, F., Zhou, X., Aydin, A., 2012. Spatial statistical properties of pressure solution seams in clastic rocks in southwest Ireland. Mathematical Geosciences 44: 595-617, doi: 10.1007/s11004-012-9407-4.

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