Rock Fracture
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| Geostatistical Properties of Compaction Band Sets | |
Figures 1(a) and (b) show two spacing histograms for compaction bands; (a) for bands at high-angle to bedding and (b) for bed-parallel bands at low-angle to the horizontal plane, both within Aztec Sandstone cropping out in Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada. The spacing values vary locally from a couple centimeters in the lower left to about 35 cm excluding the outlier.
 | | Figure 1. Spacing distribution for compaction band sets with high-angle to bedding (a) and bed-parallel (b). Deng and Aydin (2012). |
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Types of Geostatistical Properties of Compaction Band Sets: |
| | Compaction Band Spacing - Bed Thickness Scaling | |
Deng, S., Aydin, A., 2012. Distribution of compaction bands in 3D in an aeolian sandstone: The role of cross-bed orientation. Tectonophysics 574–575: 204–218. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2012.08.037.
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